
The many different examples of Quakers in Action over the centuries are grouped under several broad themes, such as anti-slavery, as you can see above.

Clicking on one of the themes will take you to a list of all articles connected with that theme.  The first article is an overview, followed by a few articles expanding on aspects of the theme. The rest of the list shows articles about individual pieces of work, or profiles of some of the people who have made significant contributions. 

Links to other sources of information are at the end of many of the articles.

Featured Article

Quaker Earthcare Witness

QEW (Quaker Earthcare Witness) is a network of Friends and other like-minded people seeking to address the ecological and social crises of the world from a spiritual perspective, emphasizing Quaker process and testimonies. They seek emerging insights into the nature of humankind’s ‘right relationship’ with the Earth.
Read more about Quaker Earthcare Witness
